July 2017

Star Trek or Star Wars – What Does Your Preference Really Mean?

By |2017-07-18T08:49:10-05:00July 17th, 2017|Anomaly, Geek, Show Notes, Star Trek, Star Trek Episodes, Star Trek Movies, Star Wars|

Synopsis: The ultimate woe, the epitome of nerd rage, the most taboo of all topics is the very one that Angela and Jen set forth to conquer in this episode: Star Trek or Star Wars. Join us as we bring back this golden oldie from the Anomaly vault all the way back in 2011 where [...]

May 2017

Don’t You Miss Lwaxana Troi? Celebrating Lwaxana & Moms Everywhere

By |2017-06-18T00:22:02-05:00May 14th, 2017|Anomaly, Show Notes, Star Trek, strong female characters|

Episode Description: Jen and Angela celebrate Star Trek's Lwaxana Troi: daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed, and then talk about motherhood and "nerd moms" in this Mother's Day edition of Anomaly. Mrs. Troi, as she was sometimes called, was played by the late great Majel [...]

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