Firefly Episodes Covered on Anomaly

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» Firefly Episodes «

Out of Gas

Released July 6, 2008. SPOILER ALERT.

Angela and Jen review Out of Gas from Firefly‘s one and only season. :( Out of Gas is the eighth episode of the series. It differs stylistically from the rest of the series, in that it tells its story alternately in three timeframes: events in the present, events in the near-past that led to the present, and events in the past that led to the formation of Serenity’s core crew.

After Serenity suffers a catastrophe that leaves her crew with only hours of oxygen, flashbacks show how Mal and Zoe acquired Serenity and assembled their motley crew.

The show notes for this episode are currently unavailable.

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Released September 24, 2009. SPOILER ALERT.
Jen and Angela discuss one of their all time favorite Firefly episodes: Shindig. Shindig is the fourth episode of the science fiction television series Firefly created by Joss Whedon.

Inara attends a formal society dance, only to find Malcolm there as well, attempting to set up a smuggling job. Kaylee goes with him in a voluminous pink dress she refers to as a “pretty”. Mal comes to blows with Inara’s conceited date and finds himself facing a duel with a renowned swordsman, and only one night to learn how to fence.

There are currently no show notes for this episode.

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Released August 29, 2012. SPOILER ALERT.
Angela and Jen talk about the hero of Canton, the man they call “Jayne”. Jaynestown is the seventh episode of the science fiction television series Firefly created by Joss Whedon.

Returning to a moon where he ran into some serious trouble years ago, Jayne discovers that he’s become a local folk legend. Mal decides to use this entertaining distraction to complete a job, but some unfinished business may derail his plans.
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